Albert Foolmoon (FR)


Albert Foolmoon (FR)

Last time we met someone from North of France on the blog, it wa&s the talented Johan Jaccob (from Glowsun), the interview was in french (as it was the real beginning of this blog), quickly after that, thoinking we were leaving in a global world, I decide everybody will shift to english, or, at least, globish. This is why I really want to thanx Albert for the effort he made to do the whole interview in english, as I really wanted to have him on the blog !


Hello, of course as every Crewk interview, first question: what are we listening to when we come to visit you?
Oh it will depend that i make it...
if i draw, it will be quiet music as Silver Mt Zion, Do Make Say Think, Herman Dune…
If i print (silkscreen), it's more punk music as Dead Kennedy's, Part Chimp, Buzzcocks.
And if i paint, i prefer listen The Cramps, Polysics...

Can you tell us more about yourself, who are you, where are you from, what do you do?
When did you start drawing?
I come from the north of France (Lille), near the belgium frontier.
I have no age, no birthday, i have no face.
I have painted during my teenage, but after i have to prefered the drawing (because no space to continue the painting). And now, iI make silkscreen since 3 years ago.
I publish in my own small press house "Lézard Actif" since 10 years. I have others activities, always around the DIY concept : photograph, publisher, organizer of Small press Art Fair, creator of the website community DIYzines, old member of Cagibi (a silkscreen atelier) and an activist drawer.
And now, with another drawer, Ar-Déco, i have founded "Sabordage" in 2012, a silkscreen atelier in Lille (France). I have start a collection of european drawers, very disturbing.

Did you follow any course or did you improve by drawing in the margins of your schoolbooks?
I was never go to the artschool, I did it myself. Drawing and drawing, no need to go to the school to make that.

Today are you living from your art, or do you do something else for a living ?
I sell in the underground artfairs, i have my own shop online and i am in 2 galleries (Lille and Berlin). But it's difficult to sold my stuff because it's not nice and cute, You need to love skull to buy my prints !

So i make something else to living. But i have no need to much money because i am not a geek, and i have the same clothes since 10 years... ahah

Are you collaborating with magazines/fanzines, regularly?
i think i have collaborated with 40-50 fanzines... Now i prefer to make my own stuff, but if the project is really interesting, i will work on it. I don’t like the thema.

Where does your influence come from? Is there any artists/graphists you particularly like, what  are your influences?
My drawing is very precious, i draw litttle things, almost with skulls, corpses, anatomy. Now i add some sentences in english or in french in my drawings.That's new. It's probably because i make concert poster and i love the typography by hand.
So i am very difficult with the works of the others artists. I can give you 3. Goya (XIXe), Bazooka (french 70's) and Damien Deroubaix (now).
But i love all the strange things, i have a collection of a weird pictures, familly pictures of the XIXth century… i love the cabinet’s curiosity, the freaks stuff.

What are the principal steps in your work ?
i have a big collection of old pictures on my computer and on paper. I work with anatomy books, strange pictures of people, a lot of engraving. I compose my drawing on my computer to have a kind of idea for the realisation. After i print that, i make some drawings. And the other question is…

Do you do everything by hand or on computer?
I begin by search differents pictures. I have a lot and a lot, i combine them, and i recompose to draw all. I scan the drawing and i erase what i don’t like, and after i print this in silkscreen (or not if i use water ink).

How long does it take you to do a poster?
I think that will be 10 hours or more. To think, try, combine, draw, scan and print.

You have a very distinctive style, are you doing only what you feel like or if tomorrow somebody  asks you an oil painting with horses running out of water with a sunset backdrop, is it a problem  or are you up for it ?
WHAT ? i don’t understand the question. I draw only my own style. I don’t like horse, dog or cat, maybe with a pepper sauce… And i don’t like that somebody ask to me something too specific.

For which band have you already worked for?
Obscur bands from underground europe.

For which band would you love to work?
My real wishes ? Hum… i would like to draw for Part Chimp ! (and Sonic Youth as 90% of drawers).

Do you choose the artists yourself?
No and yes, i "work" for an underground place in my town for the moment (and one time in Belgium). They organise a lot of concerts each week, i choose the bands if the music could have a signification with my drawing. I love the dark description of the bands, so… if it’s a rap band, i don’t feel my drawing for that (and we are 4 to draw for this place, so… we can choose what we want).

What is the most difficult part in designing a poster ?
The place of the letters for the band’s names and the others indications (price, place…) !!! One time i have forget the date… oups.

Do you think you are part of a "Graphic Scene", if so who else ?
Hum in fact yes, but i don’t know if because i draw. I try to be an activist in the drawing. I have created a famous festival of fanzines in Lille (my town, but know in France), and i have created too a big community since 6 years about drawing zines ( with more than 1100 zines of 260 self editors, i have my own silkscreen atelier… so yes i hope my name is not unknown, but my drawings are not easy to share and… to sold i don’t tell you.

A bit of self-promotion, take advantage of it, it's free, where can we see your work , on the web or in real life?
I think that my previous answers are so eloquent… i don’t want to people think that i have a big head.
Two week ago, i had my own big exhibition in brussels and i talked with a guy during 3 hours. He was very incredible, a lot of knowledges ! It was difficult to explain my drawing because he loved and hated my works in the same second. I think he was schizophren and perhaps drunk. Ahah a good experience. « why do you have write –skate or die- ? it’s because DIY or die, and there is a skull, it’s kind a private joke ! I love that but you can’t die if you make skate ! »

What can we wish you for the future?
Stop to work in a useless work and win my life with my passion to silkscreen and drawings (just a lot).

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