Spencer Sayer (US)

Spencer Sayer (US)

I discovered Spencer while roaming around gigposters.com with no other particular reason than trying to discover new artists. I just had time to see his Craft Lake City Flyer than I already knew I had to send him a mail. It is no surprise that Crosshair is an influence on Spencer's work, but, and this is the reason I really wanted to have him on the blog, it is far from being his unique influence ! Just take a look at the posters below, visit his gigposter profile and keep an eye on the guy he definitly worth it !!

Hello, of course as every Crewk interview, first question: what are we listening to when we come to visit you?

As of right now I am listening to The Band, The Rolling Stones, and A.A. Bondy. But im sure that will change within the hour.

Can you tell us more about yourself, who are you, where are you from, what do you do?

My name is Spencer Sayer. Im 20 years old, and from Salt Lake City, UT. I am primarily a drummer but I am also an amateur drinker, thinker, and designer.  

When did you start drawing?

I didn't really take up any form of art seriously until about my senior year of high school.

Did you follow any course or did you improve by drawing in the margins of your schoolbooks?

I would love to take some art courses but I havent had the opportunity yet. Any talent I have has been acquired through trial and error.

Today are you living from your art, or do you do something else for a living ?

I would love to be able to live off of art  but I am not quite there. I work part time to be able to pay for school.

Are you collaborating with magazines/fanzines, regularly?

No, although that is something I would be interested in.

Where does your influence come from? Is there any artists/graphists you particularly like, what are your

My influence comes from anything I see, hear, or encounter in anyway. I really like the work that Travis Bone with Furturtle Print works is doing. Along with Dan MacAdam with Crosshair, and the people at The Silent Giants.

What are the principal steps in your work ?

I normally sit and sketch ideas until I have something worth dedicating time to. Then I will make a more permanent drawing and eventually take the whole idea to the computer.

Do you do everything by hand or on computer?

Mostly all on the computer, I occasionally bring in some hand drawn elements but its rare.

How long does it take you to do a poster?

I can usually knock out a poster in about 24 hours. But I try to sit on a poster for longer than that. That way I dont print it before I realize there was something about it I hate and its to late to change it.

You have a very distinctive style, are you doing only what you feel like or if tomorrow somebody asks you an
oil painting with horses running out of water with a sunset backdrop, is it a problem or are you up for it ?

Im up for anything. Without a doubt I am the worst person to come to for something like that. But I would give it my best shot.

For which band have you already worked for?

I work with bands based out of Salt Lake City. I have made posters for bands like Desert Noises, The Devil Whale, The North Valley, The Trappers, and Holy Water Buffalo

For which band would you love to work?

I would love to work with bands like Delta Spirit, Dawes, and Wilco.

Do you choose the artists yourself?

For the most part yes. But if someone approaches me about a project, I would consider it a compliment and be exited to help.

What is the most difficult part in designing a poster ?

The most difficult part of the design process would be the initial brainstorming process. I could go through a thousand different ideas before I actually come up with an idea I can build off of.

Do you think you are part of a "Graphic Scene", if so who else ?

I view the whole graphic design world as one scene. I would be at the bottom of that big barrel but that doesn't bother me. 

A bit of self-promotion, take advantage of it, it's free, where can we see your work , on the web or in real life?

Most of my work is up on gigposters.com, or you might see a poster hanging around in downtown Salt Lake City.

The best praise you received lately?

"Cool font...."

What can we wish you for the future?

I am extremely new to the design world so I can really only go uphill. I would love to start doing some work on a national level.

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